Includes quality resources for Bonfire Night, Halloween AND in particular Remembrance Day for a cut price!
£14.80 of resources for just £5, this week only!
A collection of Anne Frank Resources including a Powerpoint I made about some of her more poignant quotes.
I have also have included a video narrated by Jeremy Irons which is incredibly powerful. If used in the correct way.
A teachers guide is also included.
A collection of unique resources about bonfire night.
-Uniquely designed ‘Gunpowder Plot Story.’
-Uniquely designed by myself ‘Who Wants to be a Millionaire’ that can be used for many other topics easily, all sounds effects etc included!
-Uniquely designed article about how last year letters were discovered worth 60,000
-Powerpoint including fire safety points and fire safety advert. Also with a brief History of Bonfire night, all designed in the same sheet as the worksheets. Great as an assembly or for use in class.
- Guy Fawkes poem
-Task to alphabetically order key words
-Highly detailed ‘fact file’ (4 page document) in which children are required to make their own simplified ‘profiles’ on the main conspirators of the Gunpowder Plot. In its current form a great activity for year 5/6 although very easily adapted for years 3/4. (Worksheet included.)
-Simple Storyboard for younger / SEN children and a more complex one with space for more writing for older children.
-The history of fireworks Powerpoint presentation
-To try and help I have downloaded TWO videos from youtube, please note I do not claim to own these clips, just thought they may be useful if you were doing the topic.
Another excellent video to watch with older pupils is the Nick Knowles ‘Gunpowder Plot.’
An incredibly effective lesson leading onto an assembly to show how soul destroying racism really can be with links to Nelson Mandela.
Is VERY powerful if done properly. See my other resources for a great lesson on drawing portraits of Nelson Mandela.